The Orange County Register visited Cornelia Connelly School Wednesday to witness the historic election of Pope Francis. Students and faculty used their iPads and SMART Boards as the world hailed the new pope. Connelly's Religious Studies Department Chair Nicholas Olszyk and Taylor Medina '14 were quoted in the newspaper's printed story. Photos of Angelica Sunga '14, Tran Truong '14 and Erynn Clark '14 were included in the collection of local photos posted online with an abbreviated version of the story.
View the March 14 news story and photos at: Be sure to click on "MORE PHOTOS."
Nicholas Olszyk, Chair of the Religious Studies Department: "All I'm seeing now is humility, humility, humility. Everything he did was very symbolic. This is someone who makes it clear from the beginning, 'I'm colloquial. I'm with you. I'm one of the people.' I've been very impressed."
Taylor Medina, '14: "It was just such a joyous occasion. I prayed for the conclave to be able to decide on someone who will be able to lead our Catholic community in a positive way.