Arts Orange County and the Orange County Register are pleased to advise teachers and students of this unique opportunity to apply for the California State Summer School for the Arts four week immersion program.
CSSSA is a four-week, intensive pre-college program for talented and motivated high school students in the arts, held on the campus of the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) in Valencia. Now in its 28th year, CSSSA offers immersion in seven different artistic disciplines:
dance, music, theatre, visual arts, creative writing, film and animation. California residents enrolled in grades 9 through 12 are eligible to apply to CSSSA. Students from outside of California may also apply; a limited number are admitted each year. Participants are selected on the basis of their talent and creativity as demonstrated through application materials and teacher recommendations.
To apply, please go to and click on the discipline for that unique application form. Deadline for submission is February 28th. A special reception will be held honoring all selected students in June.